to the Project Website of MELE!
Modernising European Legal Education
Intellectual Outputs
The Intellectual Outputs are the core of the Strategic Partnership. They are the 4 outputs that will be developed and published during the project period and that will significantly support the target audience in a modern and more interactive form of legal teaching.
The survey is the IO1 within the project. The Survey aims to provide information about the status quo of the training of transversal competences at the partner faculties.
The eCourse represents the IO2 of the project. The eCourse on Scientific Skills will include two compenents in particular: Research Methods and Academic Writing.
The Method Toolbox is the IO3 of the project and is based on the results of the Survey (IO1). There will be developed a box with explanations of transversal competences, teaching methods and examples.
The publication “Law and beyond” is the IO4 of the MELE project and focuses on cross-cutting topics. Junior and senior researchers (Ph.D. candidates and post-docs) are invited to contribute to the publication. The call for papers will be published soon.
Our Publication “Introduction to Modernising European Legal Education (MELE)—Innovative Strategies to Address Urgent Cross-Cutting Challenges” is out now!
published 24.08.2023
We are excited to share our new volume ‘Modernising European Legal Education – Innovative Strategies to Address Urgent Cross-Cutting Challenges’! This #openaccess volume published with Springer introduces venues towards #EducationInnovation and engages with complex and emerging topics such as #datafication, #climatechange, #gender, and the aftermath of the #COVID-19 pandemic. The insights presented not only emphasize the importance of preserving traditional approaches to legal disciplines and passing them on to future generations, but also underscore the need to critically reassess and revolutionize existing structures. As our societies become more diverse and our understanding of legitimacy, justice, and values undergoes transformations, it is imperative to reconsider the role of traditional values while exploring promising alternative approaches.
For more information click here.
TPM and MPE in Zagreb – Innovative Teaching Methods in Legal Education
published 12.07.2023
On 29th and 30th June 2023 an transnational Project Meeting (and an Multiplier Event) took Place in Zagreb, Croatia. The Morning session of the 29th June 2023 was about the importance of teaching law students practical skills. The afternoon session was dedicated to the Multiplier Event. On the 30th of June 2023 the general matters of project management, especially rearding IO3 were discussed.
Dessemination activity – Seminar for Phd Students at the Faculty of law, university of belgrade
published 28.05.2023
From the 10th until the 11th of May 2023 a Seminar for PhD students was held at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade as a dissemination activity within the MELE project. It was held in a hybrid form and organized by the Institute for Legal and Social Sciences and Centre for Sociological and Legal Research of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. 20 PhD candidates from 7 different countries participated in this two-day event. The Colloquium comprised of workshops intended for PhD students with the aim to introduce them with some helpful administrative and technical tools achieved by the MELE project to enhance their productivity and work pace.
Marija Vlajković and Valerija Dabetić from the University of Belgrade Team presented the functioning of the MELE project through intellectual outputs that were finalized in the previous three years within the project duration with the main aim to modernize teaching methods in legal education. They explained the importance of Survey on teaching transversal competences in legal studies for mapping where exactly the progress in modernizing legal education is needed. Marija and Valerija announced that the online course for academic skills in European and international context, that was part of the intellectual output 2, is envisaged to be part of the University of Belgrade Moodle Platform so our students could also benefit directly from the online courses. Finally, Marija and Valerija briefly presented their research paper titled “Building Transversal Skills and Competences in Legal Education”, that is to be a part of the intellectual output 4 – a publication of articles “Law and beyond” which explains the links of cross-cutting topics for legal teaching and research and opens up new research fields for legal scholars.
The presentation was concluded with the message that projects such as MELE, with the aim to expand legal knowledge and open legal education to modern inter-disciplinary approach and engage both lecturers and students, to create a more productive learning environment, are a necessity in the legal academic studies of the XXI century.
published 25.05.2023
On 18th May 2023 an international Workshop abour “Climate Change Litigation: New Role for Lawyers?” took place in Vilnius, Lithuania.

From 3rd to 5th April 2023 lecturers met for the LTT4 meeting „: „Innovative strategies to address urgent cross-cutting challenges“ in Leeuwarden at Campus Fryslân of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. The meeting was intended to discuss current challenges in regards to international law and in conclusion use some ideas for the elaboration of the IO4 Publication
The first Panel of the 3rd of April day was organized by the Chair of Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich. Three lecturers held lectures about Law and Covid-19.Mina Kuzmina and Milica Midžović spoke about Racial and Ethnic Discrimination during COVID-19, afterwards Elena Ignovska spoke about Mandatory Vaccination against Covid-19 in Europe: Challenging bioethics, human rights and obligations. The first panel was finished by Andjelija Tasić, LL.D. about the Right to Salary Benefit during Temporary Inability to Work due to SARS-COV2 virus or another clash in the eternal conflict between one’s rights and the freedoms of others.
The second Panel of the day was organized by the Chair of Mag. Dr. Oskar Gstrein, LL.M with the topic of Law and Datafication. Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė held a lecture about Digital discrimination: Challenges and Discrimination, followed by Iza Razija Mešević who spoke about Reevaluating the main concepts of Intellectual Property in the light of AI-challenges. Julia Jungfleisch finished off the second panel with: „Ok Google or Not Ok Google? – Voice assistants and the protection of privacy in private households“.
4th of April started off with Panel III about Law and Climate Crisis, represented by the Chair of Dovilė Gailiūtė-Janušonė. Biljana Činčurak Erceg and Emina Jerković discussed Environmental law and cross-cutting challenges in legal education. Afterwards Isabel Ribes discussed with the participants the topic Climate change and working time: a complex challenge. The second panel of the day (Panel IV) was about Law and Gender by the chair of Bojana Cuckovic.Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich held a lecture about „Gendering Political Participation in Germany and Beyond: Should Quotas Ensure Gender Parity in Parliaments?“, followed by Dr. Mareike Fröhlich about Gender issues in European Economic Law.In the afternoon the lecturers had an optional field trip to Rikjsuniversitat Groningen with an discussion about innovative teachung methods.
The last day of the LTT, 5th of April focused on Panel V about law and Education Innovation. Chair representer was Mareike fröhlich. Neda Zdraveva presented a Summary of survey produced in IO1. Afterwards Marija Vlajkovićand Valerija Dabetić talked about „Building transversal competences in legal education – the case of the faculty of law, University of Belgrade“. Amalia Blandino Garrido and Isabel Villar spoke online about Teaching transversal competences in civil and procedural law as a fundamental value of the EU system. Last Ilina Cenevska held a lecture about The challenges involved in teaching the rule of law as a fundamental value of the EU system. The secons last lecture wads held by Aleksandar Mojaševi and Darko Dimovski about The Importance of Emiprical Methods in Legal Research: The Case of Criminology, Economic Analysis of Law, and Law as an Algorithm. Juraj Brozovic finished the LTT pff with his the last lecture: „Combining Simulations and Live-Client Clinics in Addressing Cross-Cutting Topics: The Best of Both Worlds“.
The interesting presentation about current topics led to productive discussions and inspirations which will probably influence the developement of the publication of IO4.

published 22.05.2023
The first face-to-face Transnatinal Project meeting of the MELE Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership took place on 1st and 2nd December 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania, at the Mykolas Romeris University. Besides issues of the project management, the participants of the Europe-wide consortium exchanged different new approaches and trends in legal education like legal tech and microcredentials with colleagues of MRU. Basd on those dicsussions, new ideas for upcoming projects were developed.
LTT3 MEETING IN Spain – lets talk about innovative teaching methods in legal education!
published 18.10.2022
From 18th until 25th September 2022, the second part of the I03 (Method Tool Box) meeting within the project of “Modernising European Legal Education” (MELE) took place in Spain. Lecturers of the partner universities within the MELE project met for the LTT3 meeting “Innovative Teaching Methods in Legal Education” in Jerez, hosted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Cádiz in Spain.
The meeting was intended to present the results of the 4 working groups within the Intellectual Output 3 (I03), which deals with the “Method Tool Box for teaching skills in legal education”, to the participants.
Read the whole report about the trip to Cádiz here.
published 08.08.2022
From 10th July 2022 till 14th July 2022, the first part of the LTT2 (Method Tool Box) meeting within the project of “Modernising European Legal Education” (MELE) took place in London. The meeting was intended to familiarize teaching staff, especially young academics, with new innovative teaching methods and to sensitize them to the teaching of transversal competences within the framework of regular teaching. The three-day event was held at Regent´s University in a hybrid format.
The LTT2-workshop focused on the Intellectual Output 3 (IO3), which deals with the “METHOD TOOL BOX for teaching skills in legal education”. It is based on the results of the Survey (IO1) and focused on the discussion of the different working groups. The works in IO3 were started with an online Kick-Off Meeting and 4 working groups were created who create teaching materials and examples which will be tested and taught to young teaching assistants in the upcoming LTT3 meeting in Cadiz this September 2022.
The full report on the LTT2 meeting in London can be found here.
We thank all participants for the numerous lively discussions and look forward to the next meeting in Cadiz!
MPE i02: E-Course academic skills in london
published 24.07.2022
The second multiplier event (MPE2) on “E-Course Academic Skills” took place in London on 14th July 2022 at Regent´s University as a half-day event for all interested parties, but especially for young researchers who need such skills for their future in science. The event aimed to promote the online course which provides the necessary academic skills for research in a European or international context.
The whole Follow up Report about this event can be found here.
All in all, they were two successful multiplier events within the project of MELE and we are looking forward to the next one, which will take place in the beginning of 2023 in the Netherlands!
published 03.05.2022
Last week from 26th April 2022 till 28th April 2022, the second part of the LTT1 (E-Course Academic Skills) meeting within the project of “Modernising European Legal Education” (MELE) took place in Saarbrücken. Partner lecturers, professors and also librarians from the different partner universities of the MELE network were on site and online to exchange about the academic structures of teaching within the individual law faculties, to structure an online course on Academic Skills, which should bring more support to the students in their studies. It was a very enlightening and active week, with discussions on Generation Z and Online Focus Sessions, among other topics, in order to adapt to today’s digital age also within legal education.
We thank all participants for the numerous lively discussions and look forward to the next meeting!
MPE IO1: Survey belgrade (Online) – Follow up report
published 04.04.2022
The first multiplier event (MPE1) on “Transversal Competences in Legal Studies” took place online on 24th March 2022 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., hosted by our partner University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law. In this meeting the results of the Intellectual Output 1 (IO1), which where the Key Skills of the Survey, who were finalized in a draft version, were presented and discussed.
The whole Follow up Report about this event can be found here.
LTT 1.2 (IO2) in Saarbrücken 26.04.2022 – 28.04.2022
published 14.03.2022
The second part of the LTT (LTT 1.2) will take place in presence in Saarbrücken from 26th April 2022 till 28th April 2022. During LTT 1.2 the participants will be presented with the completed online course and the evaluation of the course that has just been carried out. During the event, additional features such as quizzes and the like will be produced and integrated, and any necessary changes will be made. After the event, the online course will be finalized and made available here on the website.
More information can be found here.
MPE IO1: Survey Belgrade (online) on 24.03.2022
published 11.03.2022
The MPE1 will take place on the 24th March 2022. The event is free of charge and open to all interested persons. In addition to other interesting presentations on the topic of innovative teaching methods, the results of the surveys on transversal competences in legal education will be presented to the public. More information about the program and the link to the event can be found here.
Preliminary results of the Survey (IO1), available now!
published 31.01.2022
Preliminary results of the Survey are now available as a PDF document! More information about the survey and the preliminary results can be found here.
LTT 1.1 Online Course (IO2) on 12.07.2021 (online)
published 26.07.2021
The first part of the LTT (LTT 1.1) was held in a 1/2-day framework online on 12th July 2021. During LTT 1.1 all participants were first trained in using the video-recording software ‘Panopto’ in a practical skills workshop. It also included various other workshops such as “Academic Skills eCourse”. The second part of the LTT (LTT 1.2) will take place in Saarbrücken at the end of April 2022.
Kick-Off Meeting of the MELE Project on 17.12.2020 and 18.12.2020 (online)
published 22.12.2020
On 17 and 18 December 2020, the Kick-Off Meeting of the MELE project took place. Unfortunately, a face-to-face meeting was not possible due to the Corona pandemic. However, it was a great possibility to meet the individual partners and to get to know each other a little bit better. The meeting gave the partners the opportunity to get a comprehensive overview of the MELE project and its objectives in general as well as the planned intellectual outputs. Due to the virtual implementation, it was possible to expand the circle of invited participants per partner institution so that a total of 61 participants took part in the event as representatives for the individual partners.
Modernising European Legal Education (MELE) is a project co-funded by the EU through the Erasmus+ program. It is a Strategic Partnership between a total of 9 European universities for the purpose of modernizing teaching methods in legal education.